All posts tagged “Spock

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Probable Quote of the Day

Besides playing one of the most beloved characters in science fiction television and cinema, Leonard Nimoy was also an accomplished stage actor, director, photographer, and author.

Really, Bill?

Really, Bill?


Fans of Nimoy’s character ‘Spock’ always comment with awe on his uncanny ability to remain focused and serious despite costar William Shatner’s increasingly strange line delivery.



Even the vulcan sign for prosperity is less ridiculous than an SAB student's hands

Even the vulcan sign for prosperity is less ridiculous than an SAB student’s hands


Nimoy was also an accomplished ballet dancer, and frequently voiced his belief that the School of American Ballet needed to calm the hands of its students.



Nimoy passed away, but he will be fondly remembered for the wisdom he shared both on and off screen. For example, he probably said this quote:

‘I think it’s my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may. Thank goodness I have turnout, though.’

Definitely would have been harder without turnout

Life definitely would have been harder without turnout