Hello World

Welcome to Alex Davison Defines Wine. As a Certified Sommelier and restaurant wine director, I have a passion for wine that I love to share. Whether teaching staff about new pours, telling the story behind a particular bottle for our tasting menu or pulling the cork a table of eager faces, I find great enjoyment in talking wine without condescension or pretension.

Wine is fascinating because of the way it involves so many other studies. History, geography, language and even chemistry can all come into play. With so much to learn, studying for wine certifications can be a daunting task. However, using these tests as a format can help us organize what we focus on.

As someone both studying and helping others prepare for their own tests, I will write up regions, styles and grapes that will factor prominently in these tests, while also including some off-the-beaten-path places and wines for fun.

Also, as someone working in a restaurant known for its tasting menu, I like to discuss wines from a pairing standpoint. It is easy to get lost in studying and approach wine in a vacuum; however, by learning about regional cuisine and culture we gain a better understanding of and appreciation for the reason behind particular regional wines styles. Therefore we will learn about wine with as much regional context as possible, and if I can swing it, I will feature some delicious pairings inspired by or submitted by different talented chefs.

Alright then, here we go. I hope you find this site informative, fun and helpful. Feel free to drop me a line in the comments with specific questions.
