All posts tagged “Pictures

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The Psychology of Turnout

It is high time to have a serious discussion about turnout. Some people have it, and some people do not, but for everyone the benefits of turnout are easy to see. Compared to people with no turnout, people with turnout score higher on standardized tests, are more likely to give change to people on the street, have more tastefully decorated homes, and are able to form much more meaningful relationships with others.

Turnout enables this couple to have a deeply fulfilling relationship

Turnout enables this couple to have a deeply fulfilling relationship

People with turnout are well liked, form friendships easily, are assumed to be very trustworthy, and often earn more than people without turnout. Almost all successful actors have turnout, and the majority of public figures including politicians on the local and national level have turnout.



People without turnout are often seen as less important than those with turnout. They appear less trustworthy and less kind, and are even regarded as bad people despite any amount of evidence to the contrary. They are often seen as unable to maintain proper hygiene, and are usually thought of as not good with dogs or children.

Lack of turnout makes this man a poor companion and general weenie

Lack of turnout makes this man a poor companion and general weenie

A lack of turnout translates to an average 10 to 15 thousand dollars less income in a lifetime, as well as more time spent employed in work that is not enjoyable. People without turnout often have low opinions of themselves, and frequently underrate their abilities.


The psychological power that turnout holds is no longer conjecture. Numerous studies of the psychology of turnout prove that humans favor those with turnout, despite claims of having no bias. For example, several studies have shown that when two identical resumes are sent to employers, only the person with turnout is called in for an interview.

Or Would you call this one?

Or Would you call in this one? (Definitely this one)


Would you call this Michelle in for an interview?









Do you make decisions based on turnout? Are your friends turned out? What about your favorite celebrities? Comment and share your turnout experiences!

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Asians are good at ballet.  This means they are threatening to other dancers. Nowhere is this truer than in the competition circuit, which is not real life. Often competitors relate to me their feelings that no matter how hard they work, asians seem to always be better. “Asians are guarding all the doors and holding all the keys,” they say.

And I agree. But there is hope. So far, asians have been all but invincible in competitions, and no one can stand up against their rule. But sooner or later, someone is going to have to face them.

Someone, meaning me?” you ask?

I will not lie to you. I’ve seen an asian punch through eleven pirouettes; men have emptied entire bank accounts traveling to competitions and never topped them. Yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they can never be as strong or as fast as you can be.

Alex_Davison_Boulder_Agent_Smith“What are you saying, that I can triple tour?” you ask?


I am saying that when you are ready…

you won’t have to.

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A Good Attitude

I see a lot of students with bad attitudes. This is funny because right now dancers are imagining one thing while non-dancers are imagining another. You are both correct. I see a lot of students with bad attitudes and bad attitudes, and its time to address both. But I am only going to address one.

There is only one perfect attitude to have in class. In fact, cultivating this attitude will do wonders even outside of class. The perfect attitude looks like this:

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It can also look like this:

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And sometimes this:

Alex_Davison_baby_boulder_attitude 3


And definitely this:

Alex_Davison_baby_boulder_attitude 4

Just fill yourself with wonder and you will be all set.

‘But teacher, how can we fill ourselves with wonder about movements that we have done thousands of times already?’

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Obviously, this baby is not like the other babies. Do not fret. Everyone’s baby has wonderment inside just waiting to be discovered. Just let your baby be constantly amazed.

Difficult? Yes. But all you need to remember is that “Your attitude almost always determines your altitude in life,” meaning that no matter how impossible it may seem for you to master a specific concept, it is not impossible, because someone more advanced than you has already figured it out and boiled it down into a cute, folksy aphorism.