All posts tagged “Drinking

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Drinking for Success

Dancers face the same choices as everyone else when it comes to what alcoholic beverages to drink. Unlike everyone else, dancers must make this decision while keeping in mind specific parameters (like waistline). On an average night, if you are a dancer and you are deciding which wine or beer to drink, you are drinking all wrong. However, if while your friends are deciding what bottle of wine to order, you are deciding what gin to order, you are doing it all right.


This is a bad idea

This is a bad idea

Drinking successfully is all about getting as drunk as possible in the shortest time span, while taking in the fewest calories. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. They want to sabotage you.

Here is a rundown of drinks that release your waistline as well as your inhibitions:

Beer has calories. Even light beer has over 100 calories per 12 oz. Wine, meanwhile, also has calories: about 197 calories per 8 ounce glass.

Hard liquor has far fewer calories. Vodka has about 65 calories per ounce. Since one ounce of hard liquor has about the same amount of pure alcohol as 12 ounces of beer, you can get twice as smashed without ending up smashing your scale.

Uh Oh


see what I did there

Also smashed (see what I did there)






Drink smart. Drink more. Feel better. And always remember to put your drink on the rocks, not your career.

Please comment with stories of successfully choosing hard liquor. Bonus points for naming the shot made with the liquors in the picture.